Is Risk of Rain 2 cross platform? Well, MiniTool would introduce this game and then talk about this question in this guide. Therefore, you can find the answer by reading the post.

About Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2 is an online multiplayer third-person shooter video game. In this game, gamers can take control of the game character to fight & survive on the planet. To be specific, characters need to fight with enemies, search for looting items, and try to survive till the end.

You need to note that up to 4 players can enter the multiplayer mode of Risk of Rain 2. Given that fact, you might want to enjoy the game with friends. To play the game with people on other platforms, it should be cross-platform.

Tip: Cross-platform gaming is a digital game distribution or streaming that enables you to play the same game with your friends or family members. Actually, cross-play is one of the hardest online functionalities that a developer could add to a game.

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Where Can Risk of Rain 2 Be Played

At present, Risk of Rain 2 can be played on platforms including Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Google Stadia. Thanks to its cross-gen capability, it can also be played on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 but at the costs of some features.

Tip: The Risk of Rain 2 also contains online multiplayer, with co-op support for up to four separate players.

Though Risk of Rain 2 is available on so many platforms, it doesn’t mean it is cross platform. Here comes the question: does Risk of Rain 2 have crossplay.

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Is Risk of Rain 2 Cross Platform

The answer depends on the Risk of Rain 2 cross platform feature. However, Risk of Rain 2 doesn’t uphold cross-stage play. Hence, the answer is negative. The Risk of Rain 2 is not cross-platform, which means people playing the game on different platforms can’t play together.

Although Risk of Rain 2 crossplay is unavailable currently, up to four players on the same platform can play the game together. They just can’t link up with players from different platforms.

Is Risk of Rain 2 cross platform in the future? It’s hard to say. After all, there’s no authority declaration accessible yet from the engineers. Besides, some time is required before the cross-play is implemented.

To make the Risk of Rain 2 cross-play, all platforms need to be running the same version of the game software. Otherwise, you may encounter jarring inconsistencies between individual experiences like missing items, survivors, or even entire levels.

Console versions haven’t received all of the newest content at the timing of writing. The latest PC release is version 1.0 that contains several new items and adds a final boss. Consoles like Switch, PS4, and Xbox are running an older version corresponding with the previous Artifacts 2.0 update. Before cross-play becomes a reality, consoles need to reach update version 1.0 at least.

Objectively to say, the chance of Risk of Rain 2 crossplay is small as its developers Hoppo Games is a little group and they don’t have designs to make the game cross platform at present. Even so, we can still expect that Hoppo Games will consider.

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