It’s not safe enough to use a laptop in a public situation. You may be worried about the leak or damage of our files on the computer when someone plugs their USB cable into your computer. Don’t worry!  Minitool Partition Wizard introduces four ways to help you resolve the problem.

If you are an Internet cafe owner or another business owner who needs to provide your computers to other people. To keep your computers safe, you may don’t want to let others plug their U flash disks on your computers. You may want to disable USB ports on your computer.

Or if you are the one who needs to lend your computer to other people. You may be worried about the security of your computer and hope to find a way to disable USB ports on your computer.

This post shows you how to disable USB ports on your laptop using 4 ways. You can choose one of the ways to try.

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Method 1: Disable USB Ports via Device Manager

Device Manager is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system. You can use it to view and control the hardware attached to your computer. Then, you can use Device Manager to disable the USB ports on Windows 11 laptops.

Step1: Click the Search icon on the taskbar and input “device manager”. Then click Open on the right panel of Device Manager.

click open to enter the interface of Device Manager

Step2: Scroll down the Universal Serial Bus controllers and right-click USB Root Hub (USB 3.0). Then click Disable device from the right-click menu.

click Disable device

Step3: If you want to enable the USB ports again, click Enable device from the right-click menu of USB Root Hub.

click Enable device

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3 Ways to Fix Unknown USB Device Port Reset Failed Issue

This post introduces issue "unknown USB device port reset failed" and shows you how to fix it. You can try these solutions.

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Method 2: Disable USB Ports via Registry Editor

There are also some other ways. You can try to disable USB plots via Registry Editor. Here’re the steps below:

Step1: Click the Search icon on the taskbar and input “registry editor”. Then click Open on the right panel of Registry Editor.

search and open Registry Editor

Step2: Navigate to the path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR. 

navigate to USBSTOR

Step3: Double-click the Start DWORD key on the right panel, and change the number in the Value data box to 4. Then click OK.

change the number of Value data to 4

Step4: If you want to enable the USB ports again, double-click Start and change the number of Value data to 3.

set Value data as 3

What Is USB Debugging & How to Enable/Disable It
What Is USB Debugging & How to Enable/Disable It

What is USB debugging? Do I need to enable or disable USB debugging and how? Come to read this article, and you will get the detailed information.

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Method 3: Disable USB Ports via Local Group Policy Editor

Step1: Click the Search icon on the taskbar and input “local group policy”. Then click Open on the right panel of Local Group Policy.

search and open local group policy

Step2: Navigate to the path: Computer Configuration Administrative Templates System Removable Storage Access.

navigate to Removable Storage Access

Step3: Double click on the Removable Disks on the right pane: Deny execute access.

Double-click on the Removable Disks on the right pane: Deny execute access

Step4: Select Enabled and click Apply, then click OK to close the dialog.

select Enabled

Step5: Double-click on the Removable Disks: Deny read access, and select the Enabled option.

select the Enabled option on the Removable Disks: Deny read access

Step6: If you want to use the USB ports again, you need to select Not Configured.

select Not Configured

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What to Do If No Rest for the Wicked Crashing and Low FPS?

This post provides several ways to fix the No Rest for the Wicked crashing and low FPS issue. If you encounter the same issue, you can read it.

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Method 4: Disable USB Ports via CMD

Step1: Click the Search icon on the taskbar and input “command prompt”. Then click Run as administrator on the right panel of Command Prompt.

search and open Command Prompt

Step2: If you want to disable the USB ports on Windows 11 laptop, you need to input the command below: reg add HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicescdrom /t REG_DWORD /v “Start” /d 4 /f.

input command to disable USB ports

Step3: If you want to disable the USB ports on Windows 11 laptop, you need to input the command below: reg add HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicescdrom /t REG_DWORD /v “Start” /d 3 /f.

input command to enable USB ports

These are the four methods to disable USB ports on Windows 11 laptops. If you want to disable your computer’s USB ports, you can try this way. For any questions about how to disable USB ports on Windows 11 laptops, leave comments below. We will give you a solution as soon as possible.

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How to find the Armored Core 6 save file location? This post shows you a full guide to find it and provides some other useful information.

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