The Snapchat streak lost issue has been heatedly discussed recently. Many people wonder how to get a streak back on Snapchat. Well, MiniTool would show you the answer in this post.

What Is Snapchat Streak

After logging into Snapchat, you will see a wonderful fire symbol next to the name of your best friend. The Snapchat Streak is the number of days that you and a friend have been exchanging snaps daily.

The number grows daily. It means that you are enjoying your best ever Snapchat Streak that is officially known as a Snapstreak. The Snap Streak is a serious commitment with a lot of fun added to it in the form of filters, lenses, and effects.  

However, Snap Streaks can only be maintained by sending each other snaps, nothing else counts. If you forget or miss a single day to send a snap to your regulars, the Snapchat Streak will disappear. Even so, you can always begin to build a new streak.

Tip: Before Snapchat Streak disappears, Snapchat will give you a warning sign as a symbol of an hourglass on the chat to remind you to send a snap.

Further reading:

Snapstreaks were initially added to Snapchat in April 2015, which are shown on Snapchat with a flame emoji and the streak counter.

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What Triggers the Snapchat Streak Lost Issue

Internet connectivity issues could cause your snaps to fail. If so, you will fail to send messages to your friend. In cases like that, Snapchat will send you a notification that your Snap was not delivered.

When you have a stable and fast Internet connection, check for that message and try again. In addition to Internet connectivity issues, faulty hardware or operating system can also result in Snapchat streak lost issue. If the situation remains, you will lose both your streak and “best friend” status.

Other factors like system bugs and technical issues can also lead to Snapchat streak lost issue.

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How to Get a Streak Back on Snapchat

If you think that your Snapstreak has ended but you don’t miss a day, directly contact Snapchat support and might get it back. They can help you reactivate Snapchat Streak. Here are detailed steps for conducting a snap streak recovery.

Note: Snapchat won’t allow you to claim your streak back each time you lose it. Hence, you should only contact them for help only when you are sure that you lose the streak unfairly.

Step 1: Open Snapchat on your device.

Step 2: Open the Settings menu and then scroll down to locate to the Supports section.

Step 3: Click on I Need Help > Snapstreaks.

Step 4: Tap Let us know in the What if my Snapstreak has gone option.

Step 5: Click My Snapstreaks disappeared and then fill in the form prompted on the screen with right information. Otherwise, Snapchat may not be able to help you. Then you can’t get Snapchat back. If so, try building your streak back.

Tip: The form requires your username and the username of the friend who the Snapstreak is with.

Step 6: Click Send. After that, the Snapchat support will review the submitted form and investigate the issue to get your days long or year-long Snapstreak back.

To prevent the Snapchat streak lost issue, you should always keep your Snapchat updated and look out for problems in the application.

Also read: Recover Permanently Deleted Messages on Facebook Messenger

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