When you attempt to install the latest updates for your Windows 10, you may encounter the Windows update error 0x80070541. To help you fix this error, this post from MiniTool Partition Wizard offers several effective solutions. You can have a try.

The Windows error 0x80070541 often occurs during the process of installing a feature update or cumulative update in Windows 10. Once the error comes out, you can see a message saying: We couldn’t install this update, but you can try again.

What can you do to get rid of the Windows update error 0x80070541? We summarize a couple of methods for you. Just keep reading to get more details about them.

Method 1: Restart Your PC

A simple restart can always solve plenty of issues that are caused by temporary bugs and glitches. Therefore, when the Windows error 0x80070541 shows up, it’s recommended that you perform a restart for your Windows first to see if it works. If the error persists after you restart your computer, you should continue with other solutions.

[Full Guide] How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x80071a91?
[Full Guide] How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x80071a91?

After upgrading from the older version to Windows 10, some users may meet the error 0x80071a91. If you are one of them, follow this guide to work the error out.

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Method 2: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

The Windows Update troubleshooter is a Windows built-in utility that can repair almost all the issues related to Windows Update. So, when you get stuck in the Windows error 0x80070541, using this troubleshooter may help.

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings and then select Update & Security.

Step 2: Go to the Troubleshoot tab. Then click Additional troubleshooters from the right side.

Step 3: In the next window, select Windows Update and then click Run the troubleshooter.

Step 4: After that, this troubleshooter will begin detecting problems associated with Windows Update. If any problems are found, follow the on-screen instructions to repair them.

Once the process is completed, restart your computer to see if the error is resolved.

Method 3: Uninstall the Recent Windows Update

In some cases, the recently installed update may break certain functions and features on your system. As a result, the error 0x80070541 may come out and prevent you from installing new updates. On this occasion, you need to uninstall the lately installed update to resolve this error. To do this, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog.

Step 2: Type control.exe in the text box and press Enter to open Control Panel.

Step 3: Select Uninstall a program under the Programs section.

Step 4: Click View installed updates from the left pane. Then you can see the versions you have installed in your Windows. Right-click the most recent one and select Uninstall.

After the process ends, restart your PC and check if the error is repaired.

Method 4: Manually Download the Update

If you experience the Windows update error 0x80070541 while installing the update via Windows Settings, then you can try to avoid this error by manually downloading the specific update. To help you execute this operation, there are two ways provided in this post: [Tutorial] How to Download & Install Windows 10 Updates Manually

Method 5: Pause Windows Update

If there is no need for you to download and install the problematic update, you can bypass the Windows error 0x80070541 by pausing Windows updates for at least seven days.

Step 1: Right-click the Start icon and select Settings.

Step 2:  In Windows Settings, navigate to Update & Security > Windows Update.

Step 3: Click Pause updates for 7 days from the right side. If you want to pause the updates for a longer time, you can choose Advanced options and select an exact date from the drop-down menu.


You can pause Windows updates for up to 35 days.

When you get stuck in the Windows update error 0x80070541, you can try the above solutions one by one until you fix it. If you have any other good ideas, please share them with us in our comment part.

MiniTool Partition Wizard is a comprehensive partition manager that enables you to manage your partitions and disks with various features. If you want to know more about this program, you can visit its official website.

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