Why Buy PS4 Pro Instead of Xbox One X? – Here’re Reasons

PS4 and Xbox One are two popular game consoles in the world. You may be unable to decide to buy which one of them. MiniTool will display 5 features that attract you to buy PS4 Pro instead of Xbox One X.

If you plan to buy a new video game console and you are interested in all the biggest AAA games in the highest resolution possible, you can consider Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.

These two game consoles are both terrific, but there are just a few reasons why PS4 Pro may be the better choice. What are them? Please read the following content.

Before showing the comparison, we would like to show some specifications about the two game consoles to help you learn about them better.

# Superior User Interface and Experience

One of the most disappointing things about Xbox One is its User Interface (UI). Although Microsoft has made various improvements on it over the years, it is still counterintuitive.

However, PS4 features a direct approach to the UI. It is quite simple, fast and easy to navigate. Furthermore, thanks to the improvements to things like the PSN search function made by Sony over the years, the PS4 UI becomes drastically faster, smoother, and more creative than ever before.

Upon booting up your PS4, you will be greeted with the ability to log into your account to access your game saves and Trophies.

Above the Library and apps on the PS4 UI there are options for the PS4 Store with notifications, Friends, Chat, and Power Options.

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# More Exclusive

In terms of exclusive content, Microsoft has been playing catch-up for years.

If you are a Halo or Gears of War fan, you can choose Xbox One X. But if you desire a much more diverse lineup of exclusives, you should choose PS4 Pro. As a PS4 owner, you can play the following excellent games:

  • God of War;
  • Bloodborne;
  • Spider-Man;
  • Persona 5;
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# Virtual Reality

The PS VR (PlayStation VR) is a great option if you have an interest in dabbling in virtual reality. PS4 is the only one with its own VP setup. Therefore, if you are primarily going to play on a console, PS4 is your better choice.

Further Reading:

PS VR is a virtual reality headset developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, which is issued in October 2016.

This headset was designed to be fully factional with the PS4 home video game console. The PS VR system can output a picture to both the PS VR headset and a television simultaneously, with the televisual either mirroring the picture displayed on the headset, or showing a overeat image for competitive or cooperative gameplay.

Absolutely, Sony only lanced a bunch of VR exclusives, like the wonderful Astro Bot Rescue Mission. But please note you cannot be able to play these games on Oculus Rift (a lineup of virtual reality headsets developed and manufactured by Oculus VR) or any other headset.

# Lower Price

Since the release date, PS4 Pro retails at £349.99. In terms of its specs, the upgraded PS4 Pro is pretty good value. As for Xbox One X, it was launched for £449/$499.

After reading the above comparisons between PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, you may have figured out the reasons for buying PS4 Pro instead of Xbox One X. Whatever you choose, our aim is that you can pick a more suitable game console for yourself.

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