How to Copy and Paste on Chromebook? [4 Methods]

You can get the copied items to a place in a flash by copying and pasting the target. Here comes the question – how to copy and paste on Chrome. In this post, MiniTool shows you how to copy and paste on a Chromebook with details.

How do you copy and paste on a Chromebook? If you don’t know how to do, read this post now! Here are 4 available methods for you.

Copy and Paste on Chromebook via Keyboard Shortcut

A simple and convenient way to copy and paste on Chromebook is to use keyboard shortcut. This method keeps the text’s formatting intact, which means that only text with no links or other formatting elements is pasted. Here’s guide on how to copy and paste on Chromebook via keyboard shortcut.

Step 1: Hight the text to copy and paste. If you want to copy a full web page, press Ctrl + A.

Step 2: After that, hold Ctrl + C key to copy the chosen content.

Step 3: Move to the place where you would like to put the copied content and then press Ctrl + V. Then all the copied content will be pasted in the destination.

Also read: Fast Copy Windows 10 | How to Get a Fast File Copy Speed

Copy and Paste on Chromebook via Mouse

As Chromebook has full support for mice, you can copy and paste on Chromebook with the conventional way. Here’s how to do.

Step 1: Hold the right-click button on your mouse and scroll down it to highlight the text that you want to copy and paste.

Step 2: On the chosen content, press the right-click button again and choose Copy.

Step 3: Move to the place where you would like to paste the content, and then right click the empty space and choose Paste. If applicable, you can see various paste options. Choose a paste option based on your demand.

Recommended reading: How to Copy and Paste in Minecraft? Here’s a Full Guide

Copy and Paste on Chromebook with Trackpad

Trackpad enables you to copy and paste on Chromebook as well. It is very easy to operate.

Step 1: Highlight the content you are going to copy and paste on the Chromebook.

Step 2: Tap the trackpad with two fingers and then choose the Copy option.

Step 3: Navigate to the location that you want to paste the copied content and tap the trackpad with two fingers.

Step 4: In the pop-up menu, choose the Paste option. You can also select Paste without formatting if it is available.

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Copy and Paste on Chromebook with Context Menu

How to copy and paste on Chromebook? The context menu also helps. You can copy and paste on Chromebook via context menu with the following steps.

Step 1: Click on the beginning of the content that you would like to copy and then drag the cursor to the other end to highlight the text.

Step 2: Right-click on the touchpad to open the context menu. Alternatively, you can also hold the Alt button and click the touchpad or tap the touchpad with two fingers simultaneously.

Step 3: Click the Copy option in the context menu.

Step 4: Likewise, move to the place where you want to insert the content, and then right-click the touchpad and click Paste. Then the copied content will be pasted in the destination.

How do you copy and paste on a Chromebook? Top 4 methods have been illustrated to you. Choose one according to your demand.