How to Fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files

There are many users who encounter FFXIV unable to download patch files error while installing the Final Fantasy XIV or downloading the updates. If you are one of them, don’t worry. MiniTool Solution offers some fixes in this post and you can try them one by one to solve the problem.

FFXIV unable to download patch files error disrupts the downloading process and you cannot download all the patch files for the game. This error can be caused by various factors and you might not be aware of which one you are facing. In the following contents, some common reasons and fixes are listed. You should keep reading and have a try.

Fix 1: Disable Antivirus Temporarily

Sometimes, you may be able to fix “unable to download patch files FFXIV” successfully by restarting the computer. So, before you try this solution, you should reboot your device and then check if the error disappears.

If FFXIV unable to download patch files error still exists, you should try disabling your antivirus software, including Windows Defender and third-party software, as your antivirus program might block the download process.

Remember to enable the antivirus again after you fix the error. Otherwise, your computer might be attacked.

If this cannot help you fix the error, you can move on to the next fix.

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Fix 2: Use a VPN

Most users have fixed FFXIV unable to download patch files error by using a VPN. It changes the route of the download.

There are plenty of VPNs out there and you can download the VPN application and install it. Most of them offer a free version or a free trail. So, you can just have a try. However, you need to notice that the download speed might slow down if you use a VPN.

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Do you know how to setup a VPN on Windows 10 PC? It is relatively easy to operate. Here you will get a full guide to create VPN server on your Windows PC.

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Fix 3: Change DNS Server

Another reason for unable to download patch files FFXIV issue is the faulty DNS server. In this case, you should set the NDS server manually. The detailed steps are as follows.

Step 1: Press Win + R to invoke Run window. Then input ncpa.cpl in the box and click OK to open Network Connections settings.

Step 2: In the pop-up window, right-click the network you’re using currently and select Properties.

Step 3: Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to open its properties.

Step 4: Select Use the following DNS server addresses and then input for the Preferred DNS server and for the Alternate DNS server to use Google DNS.

Step 5: Check Validate settings upon exit and then click OK to save the changes you have made.

Then you can check if the error is removed. If you still see the problem while trying to downloading Final Fantasy 14 updates, you can enter the values “” and “” in the Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server boxes instead.

Fix 4: Delete the 4e9a232b Subfolder

Another way to solve FFXIV unable to download patch files error is to delete the 4e9a232b subfolder.

Step 1: Press Win + E to open File Explorer.

Step 2: In File Explorer, click Documents. Then go to My Games > Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn > Downloads > Patch.

Step 3: Right-click the 4e9a232b subfolder and select Delete.

Once you delete the 4e9a232b subfolder successfully, check if the problem you’re facing disappears.