2 Ways to Fix Skyrim Failed to Allocate Memory Error Effectively

Have you received error message "Skyrim has failed to allocate memory" from Crash Fixes? This error will cause Skyrim CTD problem. In this post, MiniTool Partition Wizard offers you 2 ways to fix this issue.

Skyrim Failed to Allocate Memory

Skyrim is a fantasy open-world action role-playing game. It is the fifth work in The Elder Scrolls series. It was developed by Bethesda Game Studio and released by Bethesda Software on November 11, 2011.

In 2013, Skyrim Legendary Edition was released, which contains the classic edition and 3 DLCs. In 2016, Skyrim Special Edition was released, which was made for 64-bit OS.

The Skyrim classic edition and legendary edition are 32-bit programs. Therefore, they can only make use of a maximum of 4 GB of RAM, when using a 64 bit OS. As a result, users are easily to get Skyrim CTD issues due to running out of memory.

For eaxmple, some people report that they have encountered the Skyrim CTD problem and the Crash Fix sends the following error message: Skyrim has failed to allocate memory! Possibly running out of memory…

Tip: Crash Fix is a mod used to reduce random Skyrim CTD issues because of too many mods installed.

How to solve this issue? You can try the following methods.

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Fix 1. Use ENBoost

Some people may install ENB to improve screen quality while others may not install it. However, no matter whether you have installed ENB, you should try using ENBoost to solve the Skyrim failed to allocate memory issue, because ENBoost can use the ENB Framework to greatly increase the amount of RAM available to the game.

When Skyrim runs out of RAM it can access, the only way to get more RAM available for Skyrim is ENBoost. You do not have to run an actual ENB graphics preset to get this advantage. Thus, there is no downside to using ENBoost. Using ENBoost to tweak Enblocal.ini may help you. Here is the brief guide:

  • Download the latest version of ENB.
  • Install only the d3d9.dll, Enblocal.ini, Enbhost.exe.
  • Open Enblocal.ini.
  • Change UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics to true.
  • In Enblocal.ini, you should find the Memory section and then set VideoMemorySizeMb= to Vram + Ram – 2048, and set ReservedMemorySizeMb= to 128 or 256 for 32-bit system and 512 or 1024 for 64-bit system.
Tip: For more detailed information, please refer to tutorial online.
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Fix 2. Change Crash Fix Settings

Some people report that they have solved the problem by changing the CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb parameter. Change this parameter and then go back into your Skyrim to check the memory usage percentage of the game. You should increase the size until the memory usage sit around 50-60.

Fix 3. Remove Mods

In most cases, the error “Skyrim has failed to allocate memory” is caused by too many mods installed in the game. If the above methods can’t solve the problem, you can try uninstalling some unnecessary mods. This method may work immediately.

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Bottom Line

Do you have other solutions to the Skyrim failed to allocate memory error? Please leave a comment in the following zone for sharing. I will appreciate that.