Linux Check Disk Space Commands (DU Commands and DF Commands)

How to check disk space on Linux? If you want to apply a simple and free way to do that, this post is worth reading. It tells you how to check disk space Linux step-by-step. Explore the details with MiniTool now!

What takes up your space on Linux? How much free space do you have on the device? As you can see, checking disk space is vital. Though you can find a lot of tools on the Internet to check disk space Linux, you need to know that Linux offers a simple and free way to do that.

The df command is a built-in feature in Linux that can check disk space. How Linux check disk space? The content below shows you the details.   

Check Disk Space Linux

The du command stands for disk usage. If you want to check the disk usage on your Linux device, you should apply this command.

How to check disk space on Linux through the du command? There are detailed steps for doing that.

Step 1: Open a terminal window on your Linux device.

Step 2: Enter a command. Pick one from the following list based on your demand.

Step 3: Hit Enter to execute the operation.

  • du: It shows the disk usage of files, folders, or other items in the default kilobyte size.
  • du -a: It displays the disk usage for all files.
  • du -h: It shows the disk usage for all directories and subdirectories in a human-readable format.
  • du -s: It shows the disk space usage of a specific file or directory.
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Linux Free Disk Space Checking

You will see a bunch of file systems after using the df command to check disk space Linux. If there are multiple partitions on the disk (for boot, root, swap, etc.), they would be reflected with a number at the end of the disk name.

For instance, disks are displayed as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb. If they include more the one partitions, partitions will be shown like /dev/sda1 or /dev/nvmeOn1p2. To check Linux free disk space, you should open a terminal window and input a command. Then hit Enter to carry out the operation.

  • df: It stands for disk file system, showing available and used disk space on the Linux system.
  • df -h: It shows disk space in a human-readable format.
  • df -a: It displays the file system’s complete disk usage even if the Available field is 0.
  • df -T: It tells the disk usage and the file system type of each block.
  • df -i: It shows the used and free inodes.

In addition to the df and du commands, there are some other commands that can help you check disk space Linux.

  • ls -al: It lists all the contents of a particular directory, together with their size.
  • stat <file/directory>: It shows the size and other stats of a file/directory or a file system.
  • fdisk -l: It displays the disk size along with the disk partitioning information.

How Linux check disk space? As you see, you can do that using built-in command lines easily.

Further reading:

If you want to check disk space usage on Windows devices, MiniTool Partition Wizard deserves your attention. Its Space Analyzer feature scans partitions and even folders to help you find what is taking up space on the PC. It displays space usage in three ways (tree view, file view, and folder view). You can see the percent of parent and the exact size of each file or folder.

If you want to free up disk space, right-click on the unused and space-consuming file and click Delete. Here, you have two options. You can either remove the file to the Recycle Bin or delete it permanently. All these features make MiniTool Partition Wizard one of the best disk space analyzers.