Is ByteFence Safe? How to Remove It from Windows 10?

Is ByteFence safe? ByteFence is not a computer virus but an antivirus program. Why did it appear on your computer? How to remove it from your computer if you don’t need it? All these questions are discussed by MiniTool Partition Wizard in this post.

Is ByteFence Safe?

About 2,000 Windows users have the question “is ByteFence safe”:

Is ByteFence Anti-Malware safe to use and is not secretly a virus? I often get ‘adverts’ (I suppose you could call them that) on my laptop about offers/discounts, but I am frequently worried that this program (which I did not install myself) is malware and is potentially harming my computer without my

ByteFence is SAFE. It is not a computer virus but an antimalware distributed by Byte Technologies. ByteFence aims to scan for crapware and malware. When it finds something, it will inform you of how many risks it has uncovered.

How did the antimalware get on Windows 10 computer? If you had not installed it from its official website, this software came with other software. You most likely downloaded software that you needed from a freeware or peer-to-peer network site and ByteFence was bundled into the software you were downloading. In this case, ByteFence can be regarded as a potentially unwanted program (PUP).

PUPs are applications that are included when you download other software. Since these applications are unwanted and not clear that they are being installed on computers, they are generally classified as malware by most antivirus.

How to Remove ByteFence from Your Computer?

For some reason, you may want to remove ByteFence. Well, how to remove the application? Here is the tutorial.

Step 1: Type ByteFence in the Cortana’s search bar, right-click the result and choose Uninstall.

Step 2: You will see the Programs and Features window. Find ByteFence on the window and then right-click it to uninstall it.

How to Uninstall Programs on Windows 10? Here Are Methods

Uninstalling unnecessary programs or apps is one of the most common and important tasks that all computer users need to do. Here is a guide to remove them.

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Final Words

ByteFence is safe and you can keep it or remove it. If you do not want to get a potentially unwanted program like ByteFence, there are three suggestions: 1). you should be careful when you download new programs – always know the legitimacy of the source of the program and apps you download; 2). keep your antivirus software and malware protection updated; 3). use your antivirus software to detect potentially unwanted programs.