Bytes to GB: Try the Top 7 Bytes to GB Converters

If you convert GB to bytes or bytes to GB manually, it would take you much time, especially the value is big. To save your time and improve the accuracy, you can use a bytes to GB converter. Here, MiniTool Partition Wizard collects top 7 converters to help you perform bytes GB mutual conversion.

Both bytes and gigabytes are units used to measure digital information storage capacity. In the binary algorithm, a gigabyte is equal to 1000000000 bytes. That’s to say a gigabyte is equal to 0.000000001 bytes. While in the decimal algorithm, a gigabyte includes 1073741824 bytes.

As you see, the conversion between bytes and gigabytes is complicated. Hence, it is necessary to get a bytes to GB converter. Here are the top 7 converters for you.


If you want to convert bytes to GB on this site, go to this website and then input the value of bytes to convert. The conversion result will automatically appear behind the Gigabytes (GB) box. This converter only allows you to convert bytes to GB. You can’t conversely convert GB to bytes.

In addition to bytes to GB, it also allows you to convert bytes to bits, kilobits, megabits, gigabits, terabits, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes. In the bytes conversion table, enter the value of bytes and then you will see the conversion results.

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This website provides you with a converter that you can carry out byte GB mutual conversion. With this converter, you can convert bytes to GB or GB to bytes. Here are the steps to perform the conversion.

  1. Go to this website and input the value of the byte or gigabyte.
  2. Decide Bytes to Gigabytes or Gigabytes to Bytes by clicking the mutual arrow
  3. Click Convert.

Top 8 MB to GB Converters: Perform MB GB Mutual Conversion

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Additionally, this website includes a conversion table. You are allowed to convert bytes to other units like exabytes, exabits, kilobytes, kilobits, petabytes, etc. Importantly, it is also capable of converting units on aspects including acceleration, area, currency, energy, force, length, power, pressure, speed, time, torque, volume, and weight.


The converter on enables you to convert bytes to gigabytes too. It also allows you to conversely convert GB to bytes. It’s worth noting that you can mutually convert multiple units of data size to or from others. It means that the conversion is not limited to bytes and GB.

Here are the steps for using the online bytes to GB converter.

  1. Go to this website.
  2. Input the value of Bytes, Gigabytes, or other units of data size.
  3. Decide from Bytes to Gigabytes or other unit conversions.
  4. Tap on the Convert


The bytes to GB converter from this site only allows you to convert bytes to GB. That’s to say you can’t convert GB to bytes with it. The good news is that you can convert bits to bytes, bits to KB, bits to MB, bytes to KB, bytes to MB, GB to KB, GB to MB, GB to TB, KB to bytes, KB to GB, KB to MB, KB to TB, MB to bytes, MB to GB, MB to KB, MB to TB, PB to GB, PB to TB, and PB to MB.

  • To convert bytes to GB through this converter, head to this site.
  • Enter the value of Bytes.
  • Then you can see the conversion result.

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To convert bytes to gigabytes quickly, it is recommended to use the converter on this website. It can help you finish the conversion from bytes to GB, GB to bytes, and other supported units easily. Simply go to this website, choose the conversion unit from the drop-down menu, and then enter the value.

Then this bytes to GB converter will automatically finish the conversion and shows you the result.


The conversion performed by this converter is based on binary multiples.


The bytes to GB converter on enables you to convert bytes to GB or GB to bytes in flash. After navigating to this site, enter the value of bytes in the box. Then it will complete the conversion automatically and show you the result.

To convert GB to bytes, click on the Gigabytes to Bytes link or simply enter the value in the To field. After that, check the result in the Bytes box.


You can modify precision level according to your demand.


The conversion calculator on the website can convert bytes to gigabytes as well. After heading to this site, enter the value of bytes in the box and then click Calculate Gigabytes. You will get the result immediately. To convert GB to bytes, click Swap and follow the prompts to finish the operation.


If you result of the conversion is 0, try increasing the Decimals.

Further reading:

If you want to perform conversions of file systems or partition types, you can use MiniTool Partition Wizard. It allows you to convert FAT to NTFS (vice versa) and convert MBR to GPT (vice versa). You can do other disk or partition related operations on this partition manager as well.